We are an award winning troupe of Caring Clowns who volunteer our time and talent to provide laughter, family fun and entertainment that can be educational, therapeutic and healing for “children of all ages” throughout our Northern New Jersey communities.
What is a Caring Clown?
A Caring Clown’s objective is to lighten the mood of its audience. We are trained to ‘read’ a room by listening and using gentle humor to make a true connection with the people who need us. We are recognized as a valuable member of the healing team, the education team, and the entertainment team of many organizations. Our currency is a SMILE!
What is a Clown Alley?
There are many legends as to why clown organizations are called “Alleys.”
The clown alley in a circus is a backstage area where clowns change into their costumes and apply makeup. The term has come to mean any professional grouping of clowns, regardless of whether or not they are affiliated with a circus or carnival. “Clown Alley” is the name given to individual chapters which function within World Clown Association and Clowns of America International. Each alley creates a unique individual name for its organization.
Our Show Group
Call Us Clowns has a specially trained group of clowns who provide shows which include skits, jokes, magic, audience participation, and music. Each show is customized according to age group, physical ability of audience, venue, and number of attendees. We fondly describe our performance as “clown vaudeville.”
Shows can be booked thru the email address listed on our contact us page. We do request a donation for these performances.